Try These Quick Tips On Taking Great Landscape Photographs With Your Smartphone

These Great Tips Help You Take Amazing Landscape Photographs With Your Smartphone!

Everything is on mobile nowadays and almost everyone has a smartphone with him/herself all the time. Sometimes, you reach an awesome landscape and the only thing you have is your smartphone. But, do you really know how to take great landscape photographs with your smartphone?

Well, this article shares some quick tips with you on using your smartphone as an amazing gear for taking great landscape photos.

Read through the article, check out the images and let us know about your valuable thoughts!

What is landscape photography, really? It shows spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes.

At least, that’s how Wikipedia defines it. As you explore and delve into landscape paintings and photography, you will also notice the metaphorical, symbolic, and fantastical that can all be expressed in a landscape.

In this article, I would like to share some quick tips on taking great landscape photographs with your smartphone…no need for fancy equipment or trips to exotic places. Landscapes are all around you and your iPhone is in your back pocket!


Tip #1: Go “old school” By this I mean, do some research on the “masters” of landscapes. Go to your local art museums, crack open that old art history text that you paid hundreds of dollars for and never used, use your favorite internet search engine…and take a look at how they did it. Start with the painters. I’m a fan of the Hudson River School Movement…artists like Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, Frederic Church and a host of others. Pay attention to their use of light, of form and composition, of detail. Move from the painters to the photographers. Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, and Galen Rowell are the “old masters” of landscape photography. Contemporary landscape photographers can be found on your Flickr, Instagram, and Tumblr streams. Three of my favorites are Gianluca Ricoveri, Sarah Jarrett, and Christoffer Collin. Compare their work to that of the painters. You will see many similarities. Keep what you’ve researched in the back of your mind as you go about shooting your own landscapes.

Tip #2: Give Your Landscape A Focal Point Don’t just point your iPhone at a landscape and shoot. You have to have a point of focus for your viewer. What is it about that particular scene that attracted your eye? This could be something as simple as a tree standing out alone, a boulder/rock formation, a barn or other structure. Use the Rule of Thirds to place that focal point in your image. Keep in mind that the western eye is trained to “read” left to right.


Tip #3: Foregrounds! The viewer’s eye needs a way into your landscape…something that invites them to look at your image. One way to do this is to place your focal point in the foreground. Not only are you “inviting” them to look at your landscape but you’re also giving your image a sense of depth – and interest. Get the viewer to look…and keep them looking!


Tip #4: It’s All In The Lines – Leading, That Is! This tip goes along with Tip #2 and Tip #3. Your viewer will start “reading” your image, looking for that focal point that you have given them to get them hooked. A great way to draw your audience in is to make sure your image has what are known as leading lines. This could be a path, a road, a river or even a moving object that will draw them in to the photograph.


Read the full article and find out all the tips at and see more photos right there:

Landscape Photography: Going Mobile


Article Source: Landscape Photography: Going Mobile

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