Learn Different Situations In Flower Photography!
Whether you are an amateur or professional flower photographer, you should know the various situations in flower and plant photography.
The professional writer and photographer, José Antunes, has simply laid it out in an article on different situations in flower photography at “Manfrotto School Of Xcellence” website.
Read through the article, learn the settings and let us know what you think!
Either indoors or outdoors, flower photography can be a simple and exciting subject. We show you some of the secrets to achieve the best results.
Flower photography can take multiple directions, either professionally or for the simple pleasure of capturing those colorful examples of nature. Still, for many people it seems overly complicated, and something asking for specific gear or technical knowledge. I’ve collected a series of examples from my experience with flowers, all these years, to show you that flower photography can be done almost anywhere, with the materials available, either with a compact camera or a DSLR.
While many articles on flower photography show only the resulting photo, here I’ve decided to, following the title, “go behind the scenes”, show you the setting for different photos. For simplicity’s sake I’ve divided the series in multiple small notes that will explain each of the settings in general terms. I’ve skipped, except when needed, the exposure values used. The pictures reveal everything you need to do the process on your own, and, above all, use the examples as a starting point for your own adventures. Let’s start.
Exploring Macro
A true macro lens with some flash lighting on a tabletop studio allows to go in for the exquisite detail of a small flower on a vase plant. The final result of this controlled setting really catches the eye.
Compact and LED Light
This “studio shot” was done on a table top, with a long exposure – 15 seconds at f/15 and 100 ISO – on a compact camera, while moving a LED light around the flower. A dark background helped to get the contrasty effect. On the setup image you can see the led light being moved around. Simple and extremely effective!
A Studio Anywhere
If you look around you’ll find suitable “studios” almost anywhere. For this picture, taken with a compact camera, I used a window sill as the support for the vase with a small flower. The yellow background wall was used to contrast with the flower.
Learn more about other settings, see respective photos and read the full article at ManfrottoSchoolOfXcellence.com:
Article Source: 5 different situations in flower photography